Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood and Mountains

This blog is quickly becoming outdated, but I am still determined to keep it alive. Recently my thoughts have been on motherhood, as my heart has been extra full these days. Watching my sweet little boys grow has been such a sweet experience, and I have been reflecting on that a lot lately.

The past year and a half has definitely been trying, to say the least. Having two children 17.5 months apart was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding and amazing thing I've ever done, too. The chaos is finally just beginning to calm, as the boys are getting a little older and becoming more independent. Recently I have had so many moments of clarity and spiritual insight that have allowed me to see a glimpse of God's plan for me and my family. I have drawn so much closer to Him through becoming a mother, and I know that it was His plan for us to have these two sweet little boys exactly when we did. While it is extremely difficult and trying at times, there are so many moments, so many days that I can't help but feel so blessed and blissfully happy at the gift God has given me. I have come to realize that it is through my relationship with Him that I will be able to give my children all the love and direction they need in this life, and that realization has made all the difference for me as a mother. 

These were my thoughts this morning, as we played inside on a wet, rainy fall morning, with sweet laughter and the sounds of little footsteps echoing through our humble abode:

The closer I draw to God and My Savior, Jesus Christ, the more motherhood becomes a joy and a blessing, and less of a battle. The closer I am to him, the deeper and more full my love is for these beautiful little souls. The more I lean on Him, the greater my patience, understanding, kindness, gentility and grace. In Him, I am whole. It is only in partnership with Him that I can rise to the tremendous call and duty that is motherhood.  Alone, it is a mountain too steep to climb, too treacherous to take on alone. But with God, motherhood is a beautiful ascent on the mountain of sacrifice, of love; one that brings us to its peak, able to see through the clouds, to see the sun resting softly on all things beautiful and real in the valley below that is life. Every day I continue to take steps upward and onward, and when I am led by The Lord, I am able to look around and see the indescribable, breathtaking beauty that surrounds me at every stage of the climb. I thank my God with all my soul for granting me this opportunity to draw nearer to him; for letting me experience a love that is second only to His love for each one of us.

1 comment:

  1. I recently read this quote "Parenting is a partnership with God." I thought it went well with your closing paragraph :)
