Thursday, October 7, 2010

Knock Knock

Monday I finally, finally, finally felt our little baby move. For sure. It's really unfair that you have about twice the amount of gas bubbles in your tummy at the same time you really want to notice any tiny squirm, throwing you off for a while. Well, since Monday, this little babe kicks up a storm mostly between 6 and 8 pm. I eat some dinner and lay on the couch, hands lightly on my belly. I admit; sometimes I talk high pitched and ask the little baby to move for mommy. Dumb, I know, but hey, I spend a lot of time alone at night. But it really is the beginning of all the motherly bonding everyone talks about. There's really no describing it. All the puking, the heart burn, the emotional breakdowns, all of the pregnancy discomfort boils away to nothing when you really feel that tiny person in there! I was watching my little 4 month old niece kick and wiggle this weekend, and I just pictured my little baby doing the same thing in there. Just much smaller (although, some of those kicks have been pretty hard! I think he/she's going to be a soccer player, just like his/her momma). Anyways, it's been awesome. Exciting to say the least. I can't wait for Gideon to be able to feel the movement. He is REALLY excited about it. And most exciting of all, we find out the gender MONDAY. Monday! That's about three days away. We are holding our breath. If you want credit for predicting what it is, now's the time people.


  1. Girl.... or boy... Not sure. That's not quite a guess, is it?

    Well I am guessing girl. Just to be fun!!

  2. Boy. BUT if it's a girl she will fit right in to the mad mix of girl cousins already in place. I am counting down the minutes till monday! You better send a text the second they tell you. I can't wait!!

  3. So excited to hear what you are having and that you felt the baby move-it kind of freaked me out at first. Sorry it didn't work out last night for us to get together. I will be gone this week, but we should try for the next week.
