Friday, August 20, 2010

Baby Pictures and Video Games

12 weeks! First pair of maternity jeans. My belly has never felt so free and happy. It doesn't look that big yet, but rest assured it's growing. And sorry about the dazed look on my face; lately I always either just woke up from a nap or else I just look like I did. Can't win.

Things have gotten pretty busy around here. Lots of new things going on:
  • I started and stopped the throwing up phase of pregnancy since my last post.
  • Gideon finished his second summer term and still has a 4.0 He worked his tushy off for that G.P.A! So proud of him.
  • Our little one is now the size of a lime. 12 weeks!
  • For Gideon's birthday, I bought him a Wii. It was also an end-of-school present. I am always sore now from virtual boxing and table tennis.
  • Ben has been staying with us during the week this month since he has his nursing clinicals down here this month. It's been such a blast hanging out with him! I'm so glad to have at least one of my siblings here.
  • Gideon had a birthday (23! Woo hoo!)
  • Gid's best friend got married. We got to go to the sealing in the Salt Lake Temple. It was so nice being inside those sacred walls and to feel the peace that comes from being there. I am so grateful for temples!
  • We are leaving for our cruise on Sunday morning, so I'd better go pack and get my house cleaned.
Here are a few pics of the last few weeks:

Ben and Gideon setting up the Wii. They stayed up until four a.m. playing. Gideon also accidentally threw the remote at the tv while bowling and it knicked the frame. Close call.

Lynn and Grace at Gideon's birthday get together

We had some family over for Gideon's birthday. It was so fun! We had cheesecake, played with the girls in the park, played the Wii, and of course, chatted ourselves to death. Good times.


  1. SOOOOOO CUTE!!! I'm glad you're done puking cause thats no fun.

  2. I love the blob you have featured on the couch, she's a hottie....and don't get too excited that baby's going to be using you as a virtual boxing match here pretty soon!!

  3. Katie! I am so excited for you guys! You look terrific! Maybe your baby will end up looking like me, since my Alli looked so much like you for so long! HAHA!! Love you!

  4. YOu just look skinny to me. Hey can we get together sometime. Ice cream with me you and melissa-when works for you this week? text me..
